Getting Started With The Auto Hail Repair Claim Process & Repairing Your Vehicle(s)
Step 1:
Call your insurance company or if you like, visit them online to file your claim.

Call Your Insurance Company
Call your Insurance Company claims department. Their 24 hour toll free telephone number will be listed on your Proof of Liablilty Insurance Card. The information you will need for your vehicle(s) will be listed on the same insurance card.
Provide Your Policy & Vehicle(s) Information
Be prepared to provide your insurance company with the following information:
- Who you are
- Policy number
- Year, Make, Model and VIN-Vehicle Identification Number of your Hail damaged Vehicle(s)
- Date of loss-Date of the hail storm and approximate time
- Location of where your vehicle(s) hail damage occurred
Areas on the vehicle(s) that were damaged (Usually all over your vehicle, don’t forget glass)
Step 2:
Your insurance company will then assist you to do one of the following:

Schedule a visit
Schedule a time for you to go to one of their facilities to inspect the hail damage on your vehicle(s).
Schedule time for field Appraiser
Schedule a time for one of their field appraisers to come inspect your hail damaged vehicle(s) at your home, work or while you are on the phone or online and have already made your decision for Dent Poppers to repair your vehicle(s), just let the insurance company/telephone representative know.
Provide Dent Poppers Information
Give your insurance company representative Dent Poppers contact information 1-877-DENT POP (1-877-336-8767) and address as to where your vehicle(s) will be located for inspection and repairs.
Step 3:
Receive your claim number.

Get your Claim number
Your telephone representative at your insurance company will then give you a comprehensive claim number for your hail damaged vehicle(s).
Ask for it if not provided
Step 4:
Rental / loaner vehicle.

Rental Car Choices
The choice is yours to make when choosing a rental car company. Here at Dent Poppers we have on site loaner vehicles and have established excellent working relationships with all rental car companies. If you need alternate transportation while your vehicle is being repaired at Dent Poppers call us at 1-877-DENT POP (1877-336-8767) we would be more than happy to assist you.
Step 5:
Know your options and make a wise plan to repair your vehicle.

Make a Plan and Repair Your Vehicle
If you haven’t already dropped your vehicle(s) off for repairs at Dent Poppers facility, call us at 1-877 DENT POP (1-877-336-8767) to schedule time to review your insurance estimate, answer any questions you may have, make a plan and repair your vehicle(s).
Dent Poppers agrees that the dents repaired will not return. Warranty is for as long as the owner owns the said vehicle.
Let us show you what we mean when we say, “Quality, Experience and Customer Service, is what makes us successful.”
Dent Poppers expressly agrees to repair the hail damage or door dings as described on repair sheet and to owner’s satisfaction.